Frequently Asked Questions

Will I have to re-enter all my data from last year?

If you submitted a SAFE application last year, then your old data should automatically appear in the appropriate places on this year's form for all questions previously answered. If you did not participate last year, but had done so before, any available data will be filled in for you.

My submitted form is locked, but now I want to fix an error!

After an authorized user submits your form, it is locked. This is done to prevent multiple users from submitting different versions of your facility's application. If you discover an error after submission, please write to the Help Desk telling us your facility name and your user name. After verification, we can unlock the form for you.

I can't submit because I don't know some answers. If I leave blanks, I get “data input problems were found”.

If you can't determine or compute a required value for whatever reason, enter 'DK' (without the quotes) in that field. The system will accept DK as a valid response and let you submit your form. No one expects you to know what you can't know.

I can't log in!

Here are the usual suspects:

  1. Passwords are cAsE-sEnSiTiVe, so make sure to enter all characters in the proper case.
  2. So are uSeR NaMeS.
  3. Verify that you are using this year's user name and password. You were sent an activation link which, when clicked, sent you an e-mail with your current account details.
  4. Make sure you are trying to log in to the correct login page. The link to this year's SAFE Form is found on the User Menu page.
  5. You are trying to use the activation code instead of a real password. The activation code is not a password. It only works (one time) to activate your account. If you activated someone else's account, see "I've activated the account, but..." below.
  6. If you never got, or have lost, the e-mail containing your activation link, then contact the person who submitted your facility's application last year. They are (usually) your facility's master user and have the power to create an account for you or to look up your log-on details. If you can't figure out who your facility's master user is, then e-mail us and we'll be glad to help.

If none of these suggestions fix the problem, send us an e-mail. We'll review the log files to discover what was the problem.

I've activated the account, but . . .

Now and then the legitimate owner of an account forwards his account creation notice to someone else, thinking that he has delegated the power to use the account. Oops. He hasn't!

Should you be forwarded an activation link and activate that person's account, the password and login details are immediately emailed to the real owner of the account...not you. Accounts cannot be transferred. If you need an account, ask your facility's master user to create one for you. If you can't figure out who your master user is, then write to the LCA Help Desk.

Can I add my facility's missing data for previous years?

If your facility has gaps in participation, you may wish to supply the missing data so your charts will be complete. In the future, we hope to provide the ability to directly edit your data but, in the meantime, the best way to fill data gaps is to enter the information into the spreadsheet provided, save it locally, and then email it to us.

Can we have more than one master account?

Yes, but the masters will need to coordinate carefully. Master users can do things like change passwords, create or delete accounts, broadcast e-mails to users, and submit the form, so problems might arise with several people doing that independently.

What kind of accounts can a master user create?

Some facilities use a team which works cooperatively to assemble data for their application. You may create user accounts which can

  1. view one or more sections of the form, but not change anything;
  2. view and change answers for one or more sections, but not submit the final application;
  3. or
  4. view and edit anything and submit the application.

We recommend that you limit the number of users at your facility with the authority to submit your form. Submission locks the form, even to the master user.

I'm trying to edit my application data and it won't let me!

Oh-oh. You or someone at your facility must have submitted your form, instead of saving it. True, both words begin with "S," but beyond that they have no similarity. Pressing "Submit" (which you have to do in two places to make it actually happen) means you are sending your application to us for consideration. From that point on, your form is locked against further changes. "Save" means you just want to turn off your computer so you can finally go home.

If your form has been submitted and locked, but you still need to make changes, please write to the Help Desk. Tell us your facility name, your user name and, after verification, we will unlock your form for you.

How important are the comments?

Comments are not "scored," as such. They come into play only if there is a tie, or if the comment somehow contradicts your answer. In the latter case, points could be removed or reduced (for instance, checking an item, but indicating in the comment that the facility merely "intends to implement" or "we don't have all of this in place, but...").

In the case of a tie, the comments can become important, but please don't write a book. More is not better, only better is better. If your facility is doing something above-and-beyond the normal, then a comment could earn a bonus point and maybe even serve as an example of something the SAFE Project decides to start asking everyone about next year.

Is my online data secure?

We have designed the system to protect the security of your data. Our bounce-back activation system forces every user account to be associated with a valid e-mail address. All of your communications with the login screens and data forms occur over encrypted links (like those used for credit card data) and your data files are maintained on a locked-down server. All comings and goings are logged and we review the log activity daily.

Why does LCA sponsor the SAFE Program?

We think it's important to quantify our collective progress so that all of us can know where we excel and where opportunities exist for improvement. Additionally, we want to give recognition to the many facilities with excellent safety records. We think they deserve credit for doing a great job.

Where can I find out what's new this year?

We now have a special What's New topic on the News & Announcements page. There is no longer a direct link to a dedicated What's New page.

Will my plant win?

Looking into our crystal ball, we see . . . hmn. The only thing we see for certain is that you cannot win if you don't submit.

Copyright © 2017 Louisiana Chemical Association, Inc.